6 Life Changing Moving Tips

Moving is hard. The emotional toll of saying goodbye to family and friends is hard enough that
you don’t have to add the stress of actually moving to realize that picking up your life and
starting over isn’t easy. After moving multiple times, I have found there is a science to the
moving process. The saying goodbye process is more of an art that changes each time we drive
away. But these tips have made at least one part of the move…the moving your stuff… easier.

Purge Before You Go
Maybe you want to follow Marie Kondo and see what things spark joy or go room by room
cleaning out the toys, clothes and more. No matter what method you use, the fact is we all have
things hidden in a drawer, closet or maybe the boxes from the last move (just me?) that we don’t
need anymore. Getting rid of as much stuff that you won’t need at the next assignment is a great
way to start your moving process.

Be Prepared to Prep
Movers won’t pack things in original boxes so if you have something valuable that you want to
move in the original box you have to do it yourself. You also need to take apart your
entertainment display, remove pictures from walls, put things that you want together close to
each other. If you can disassemble furniture before the movers arrive it can protect it from being

Label, Label, Label
The moving company should label all your boxes, but if you have ever gone around while they
are packing or opened boxes on the back end of your move you often find weird labels for your
stuff. Having a sharpie in your back pocket to label boxes as the movers pack your stuff can be
helpful. I also go through each room after the movers have left to ensure that the description
matches the room you are in.

If you know where you are moving you can also label boxes by colors so that when you move to
your new location you can put a color on each door making it easier for the movers to know
where to go. I wrote 1 st floor, 2 nd floor, and basement on as many boxes as I could to try and
make life easier.

Plan for the Move
1-2 months out start using up the food in your fridge, freezer, and pantry. One creative idea is to
have no spend weeks where you rely on just the food in your home. You might need to get
creative to make meals that work, but you might find something you didn’t know you had.

Be mindful of how long it takes to use up items. Stop buying larger bulk items up to six months
out to ensure you don’t end up having things you can’t take with you.

Set Aside Space
We always use a small bathroom to hide things we don’t want the movers to pack. It can be
anything from our suitcases to blow up mattresses to valuables we want to move across the
country. Label the room don’t pack and shut the door.

Be Flexible
Things likely won’t go 100% like you plan so being flexible to what comes next is always my
number one moving tip.

What are your best moving tips and hacks?

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